Friday, March 13, 2009

GDI are everything they say they are

I have a website up and running on the WS server have had multiple sign ups and as much support as I could want from my up line, Yes you are right Global Domains International is a MLM (multi Level marketing system)

It uses a very unsophisticated form of 5 layer deep commission where by you take 10% of each 10 for 5 layers. The company then takes $5 from every $10 not rocket science just good business they stay in business. I make my money.

I had a friend sign up and he again had the opposite experience to yourself when he did decided to leave the company it took but one phone call, no questions asked or why do you want to leave or anything, just no it is not going to work for me and he was no longer a member.

Like I say I am in contact with members of my upline. I have always know this was not a get rich quick scheme, Ken one of my team 2 layers up from me has been at this 2 years he now takes home a tide $1200us per month passive income, a member in his upline 5 above me take $13000us per month. He has been at this approx 3 years.

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